Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung


A sincere thank you to Adam and Maria from RETROUVIUS for accepting my invitation to speak for our lecture series last night. They celebrate the tactile personality and emotional quota that reused materials bring and celebrate age/patina and the narrative that brings.

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Inside/Out | Beata Heuman
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | Beata Heuman

In the lecture, Beata shared insights on making a career as an interior designer drawing on her own experiences. She focused on finding your creative eye, unlocking the imagination and sources of inspiration as well as practical and less glamorous elements such as getting a job, taking risks and dealing with difficult clients.

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Analysing the Tree Fork Truss
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Analysing the Tree Fork Truss

The Wood Chip Barn is a digitally fabricated barn created as part of the Architectural Association’s Design and Make Summer Course in 2016. The barn provides storage for wood chip to fuel the Biomass Boiler House in the Hooke Park estate. The primary structure of barn consists of 20 discrete beech forks that were 3D scanned and optimally configured for structural performance. The design consists of two vierendeel style arching trusses that received robotically machined connection geometries that enabled the structure to sustain vertical and lateral loads.

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End of First Year
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

End of First Year

I am proud of the work that I achieved this year at the Royal College of Art. Looking back, I am most grateful for the excellent guidance received from my tutors. I had time to develop projects following the ethos of community-driven design with affordable materials.

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The Cruise
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

The Cruise

I explored the significance and changing implications of cruise ship typologies for the Critical Historical Studies component of my degree at the Royal College of Art. Compared to planes and trains, cruise ships are the slowest form of travel – travelers actively choose to isolate themselves to enjoy the slower pace of life on the water. One essay explores what it means to retire at sea, one paper explores the cultural implications of escape, one-piece looks at the harmful aspects of the culture, and one essay explores my relationship with the cruise.

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Documenting Culture Shock
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Documenting Culture Shock

In this casual, and ongoing series of illustrations, I hope to capture the things and details that I found (and still find) quirky when I first moved to London. I am very privileged to have grown up and spent time in multiple cities - I wish I captured the awe and excitement of newness when I first arrived at these respective places.

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Tube Prints, Sold Out!
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Tube Prints, Sold Out!

I am sold out of my drawings of the tube. I created these drawings for my Media Studies course at the Royal College of Art. I decided to sell them to other transportation fans.

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Royal Academy | John Hejduk Exhibition
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Royal Academy | John Hejduk Exhibition

My work at the Royal College of Art, Translations | John Hejduk's Prison House has been selected to be exhibited at the the Ronald and Rita McAulay Gallery at the Royal Academy.

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Days With (Madame Architect)
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Days With (Madame Architect)

Spend a day with me! I am so honored that I get share it on Madame Architect. Julia reached out last year after my illustrations were part of the “Creative Complements” section.

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Invited Speaker at Syracuse University | Diversity Equity &  Inclusion Forum
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Invited Speaker at Syracuse University | Diversity Equity & Inclusion Forum

Myself, A.L. Hu, and Francesca Perani were invited to speak at Syracuse University to talk about my work, what inspires me, and why it is important to have diversity in our graphic representation. It is part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion department within the Architecture school, created after the murder of George Floyd. The launch site has been taken down, but here was my Instagram post about the original event, and the written script is posted here.

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#CreativeComplements | on Madame Architect
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

#CreativeComplements | on Madame Architect

#CreativeComplements is a weekly post of creations by architects, creations that have nothing to do with buildings (at least not yet), and everything to do with great ideas. My illustrations were selected to be part of this series.

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