Documenting Culture Shock

In this casual, and ongoing series of illustrations, I hope to capture the things and details that I found (and still find) quirky when I first moved to London. I am very privileged to have grown up and spent time in multiple cities - I wish I captured the awe and excitement of newness when I first arrived at these respective places. These details are banal, and at the moment, mostly food-related, but I remember laughing out loud in disbelief when seeing the orange juice carton at Tesco. I want to memorialize these small, overlooked moments that I will probably get used to, and later, forget about, the longer I live in London.

Side note | My teacher, now my friend, recommended that I read Watching the English, by Kate Fox. I highly recommend this book to anyone that isn’t English and is also new to the UK.


Inside/Out Lecture Series: Selldorf Architects | Recent Work


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