A sincere thank you to Adam and Maria from RETROUVIUS for accepting my invitation to speak for our lecture series last night. They celebrate the tactile personality and emotional quota that reused materials bring and celebrate age/patina and the narrative that brings. It is lectures like these that cement my interest in design and why I pursued design in the first place.

It takes people with a certain confidence, experience and eye to look at salvaged materials and be able to break life into them in new and unexpected ways. It takes someone with a strong backbone to resist the sway and allure of a more profitable, commercial and ‘traditional’ business strategy. It also takes someone with enormous heart and patience to collaborate and design with their trades people, where every material is found with quality and state that is uncertain, etc. I found this lecture incredible, hilarious and inspiring in every way possible. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


WIP Show 2023


Inside/Out | Beata Heuman