Urban Development: Comparing Building Approvals in New York and London
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Urban Development: Comparing Building Approvals in New York and London

The building approval processes in New York and London offer a fascinating contrast in how two global cities approach urban development. Both prioritize public consultation and sustainability, but New York’s rigid zoning system stands in sharp contrast to London’s more flexible, policy-driven approach. These differences reflect each city's unique challenges and governance styles.

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I am not a Robot: AI and Architecture - You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

I am not a Robot: AI and Architecture - You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours

At Child Graddon Lewis, a small team of us were assigned the task of exploring the Reimagine London prompt through illustrations on our shopfront windows. My concept, titled "I Am Not a Robot," unexpectedly captured the team’s interest. This project not only taught me valuable lessons in project management but also allowed me to explore illustration on a much larger, more public scale than ever before. This illustration series is currently work in progress, with updates to come. 

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Inside/Out @ The Serpentine Pavilion
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out @ The Serpentine Pavilion

I recently had the privilege of leading the organization of the final lecture at the Serpentine Pavilion featuring this year's designer, Lina Ghotmeh.

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Clapham Old Town Flat | Construction Photos (WIP)
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Clapham Old Town Flat | Construction Photos (WIP)

This project has been a culmination of all the skills I have learned over the years from leadership, coordination and professional practice. The most applicable skills came from the small renovation projects at Gensler - ‘patch & match’ projects where there were so many details to capture and many odds and ends were new/re-used/relocated.

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Degree Show at the Truman Brewery
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Degree Show at the Truman Brewery

Thank you so much to everyone that came (and tried to come) to the show. I am also flattered to be awarded the Head of Programme Award for my work and contributions to the college.

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Inside/Out | Future Architects Front (FAF)
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | Future Architects Front (FAF)

We invited Charlie from the Future Architect’s Front (FAF) to speak for our series, whose contact was shared through a professor of our’s. I was first introduced to Charlie’s work during the height of the pandemic when I was still residing in the US. His account on Instagram shared anecdotes about the long hours and exploitative conditions that I was all too familiar with. These serious topics were shared in the language of digestible pop culture: cynical/tongue in cheek architecture industry related memes designed to be glanced at for about a millisecond.

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Clapham Old Town Flat | Existing Conditions & Initial Thoughts
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Clapham Old Town Flat | Existing Conditions & Initial Thoughts

I have been hired to breathe new life into a two bedroom property located in South West London. The Victorian property was subdivided into three separate flats, but a previous renovation in 2006 was poorly done, leaving the flat in desperate need of refurbishment. My task is to reimagine and revitalize this space to create a comfortable home for a young, creative professional.

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Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung


Before the exams, we had a review session to check our progress before the final exam in June. The review was attended by a limited audience, including Tania Lopez Winkler and guest critic Jim Eyre, who served on the panel.

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Inside/Out | New Staff
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | New Staff

One of the highlights of being a student again has been running Inside/Out. I find it inspiring from a design perspective and enjoy listening to our guests' "starting out" stories, which are often a little clumsy and unexpected. Recently, I was disappointed to learn that I didn't get a job I really wanted. I had put a lot of thought and effort into the application, but unfortunately, the position was removed before I even started due to uncertain market conditions.

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Inside/Out | Carmody Groarke
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | Carmody Groarke

We hosted an Inside/Out lecture with Carmody Groarke last night. Lukas Barry (Associate Director) centered his lecture around 3 projects. I most admire how the studio has a resourceful approach to design, and how these ideas have translated into a low impact attitude to making longer lasting architecture that looks to retain, reuse and reinvent our collective built heritage.

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Midterm Review
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Midterm Review

The panel was led by senior tutor, Tania Lopez Winkler with Sylwia Poltorak and Lucas Lawrence (Studio Egret West) as our guest critics. This was a midterm review where I presented the initial design scheme and self defined brief to the panel of external critics.

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Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung


Congratulations to Madame Architect for featuring over 400 women across all their verticals. 400+ amazing stories - it is easily my favourite design publication because it holds space for the alternative pathways and the broader stories behind a woman’s job title.

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Inside/Out | Carla Swickerath from Studio Libeskind
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | Carla Swickerath from Studio Libeskind

I enjoyed the Inside/Out lecture with Carla Swickerath from Studio Libeskind. The lecture delved into the firm's distinctive approach to architecture, which emphasizes the importance of memory, history, and culture in the design of the built environment. Some of the firm's most well-known projects, such as the Jewish Museum in San Francisco and the World Trade Center redevelopment, were highlighted as examples of this approach in action.

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WIP Show 2023
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

WIP Show 2023

Our W.I.P (Work In Progress) Show is hosted online and in person this year. My work from the Royal College of Art was exhibited.

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Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung


A sincere thank you to Adam and Maria from RETROUVIUS for accepting my invitation to speak for our lecture series last night. They celebrate the tactile personality and emotional quota that reused materials bring and celebrate age/patina and the narrative that brings.

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Inside/Out | Beata Heuman
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Inside/Out | Beata Heuman

In the lecture, Beata shared insights on making a career as an interior designer drawing on her own experiences. She focused on finding your creative eye, unlocking the imagination and sources of inspiration as well as practical and less glamorous elements such as getting a job, taking risks and dealing with difficult clients.

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Analysing the Tree Fork Truss
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

Analysing the Tree Fork Truss

The Wood Chip Barn is a digitally fabricated barn created as part of the Architectural Association’s Design and Make Summer Course in 2016. The barn provides storage for wood chip to fuel the Biomass Boiler House in the Hooke Park estate. The primary structure of barn consists of 20 discrete beech forks that were 3D scanned and optimally configured for structural performance. The design consists of two vierendeel style arching trusses that received robotically machined connection geometries that enabled the structure to sustain vertical and lateral loads.

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End of First Year
Stephanie Cheung Stephanie Cheung

End of First Year

I am proud of the work that I achieved this year at the Royal College of Art. Looking back, I am most grateful for the excellent guidance received from my tutors. I had time to develop projects following the ethos of community-driven design with affordable materials.

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