End of First Year

Having had some time to reflect, I am so happy about my decision to be back at University. It is so liberating to do projects on my own terms without cost or client constraints…and models, I have missed making models! It has been creatively fulfilling and this period of time at school feels special. I am most grateful for the passion and dedication of the tutors, Tania, Ella, Luke, and Reiko. I had time to develop projects (intervention, insertion, installation) following the ethos of community-driven design with affordable materials. It is also hard to believe that we had the opportunity of exhibiting our work (cyclical prison) at the Royal Academy.

In terms of this physical portfolio submission, I was inspired by two cookbooks - Alison Roman’s Nothing Fancy and Matt Abergel’s Chicken and Charcoal. They make vibrant food that is shared and eaten with hands - ‘schmaltzy’ chicken with a sticky sauce you want to lick off your fingers, a ‘korean fried cauliflower’ lovingly coated with a tangy yuzu kosho - recipes that look thrown together but every flavor component is intentionally curated. I love that tactile and ‘work in progress’ approach to their craft. I hope to emulate that energy in my design approach and portfolio. Outside of the studio, I nurtured my curiosity in transportation through the dissertation (the cruise) and the media studies project (the tube).

I am really happy about the feedback I received - “A beautifully produced set of books, with great visual composition and use of colour. The consistency of engagement across the stages of the projects is exemplary – from early stages and mappings through the use of models and final drawings. Simple and compelling conceptual and material insights are followed through with great seriousness, craft, creativity and refinement.”

This summer, I am looking forward to working on historically sensitive residential and cultural projects at Chris Dyson Architects. I am excited to use the summer to recharge and hopefully, return refreshed and re-energized for the second year.

Please find the design brief for this ‘Portfolio’ unit available for download here.

Link to the RCA, Interior Design Microsite

Chris Dyson Architects

Summer 2022


Analysing the Tree Fork Truss


The Cruise